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The Committee


The BCP is governed and organised by an elected committee usually consisting of six members.

They are elected during the AGM, two each year, and each serve for a three-year term. The committee chooses its own Chair.

All elected members of the committee are also Directors of the Limited Company known as the Barnes Community Players Ltd. 

The elected members of the committee consist of

(following the photographs):

Amanda 'Toots' Harker - Chair, Noda Liaison

Ashley Brown

Jane Gough - Treasurer 

Marie Bushell - Charities, OSO Liaison 

Nick Barr - Membership Secretary

Stuart Piper - Data Protection Officer


Apart from the elected members, there are unelected members:


Darrol Blake - Honorary Life President

Phylliss O'Kelly - Honorary Vice-President


Francesca Stone - Publicity Rep

The committee can, from time to time, co-opt members to the Committee. These are unelected and cannot vote, and remain on the committee until they choose to resign.



Liz Gebbels – Membership Emails

We are indebted to Liz Gebbels for ensuring our emails are sent to all our members.

Marion Earle – Minute Taker & Jenner Hall Liaison

We are immensely grateful to Marion Earle, who voluntarily sits on committee meetings and the annual general meeting as our minute taker and is also our Jenner Hall Liaison.

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