The Committee
The BCP is governed and organised by an elected committee, usually consisting of six members.
Two people each year are elected during the AGM each serving for a three-year term, The committee chooses its own Chair.
All elected committee members (excluding co-opted members) are also Directors of the Limited Company known as the Barnes Community Players Ltd.
The elected members are:
Amanda 'Toots' Harker - Chair, Noda Liaison
Jane Gough - Treasurer
Ashley Brown - Membership Secretary
Marie Bushell - Charities, OSO Liaison
Nick Barr - Secretary
Stuart Piper - Data Protection Officer
​The following are non-voting members:
Darrol Blake - Honorary Life President
Phylliss O'Kelly - Honorary Vice-President
Francesca Stone - Publicity Rep
David Abel - Sound & Lighting
Susan Conte - Artistic Director
The committee can, from time to time, co-opt members to the Committee. These are unelected and cannot vote, and remain on the committee until they choose to resign.
Liz Gebbels - Membership Emails
Marion Earle - Rehearsal Liaison
Rodger Hayward Smith - Minute Taker​