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The BCP Constitution

(Latest version 26 February 2007)

The Barnes Community Players (BCP) is an amateur theatrical company based in Barnes. Its primary aims are to provide:

Fulfilling involvement for production teams and performers
Enjoyable entertainment for audiences
Gifts to charities out of profits

BCP is a not-for-profit organisation. Any surplus of income over expenditure shall be applied in pursuit of the above aims. In the event of cessation any remaining funds shall be given to charity.

A Committee shall be appointed to look after overall policy and organisation. The Committee shall comprise six elected members and the Life President and Treasurer, both ex officio. Elected committee members shall retire by rotation after three year’s service and may be re-elected. Two committee members shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting to replace those retiring by rotation.

The committee shall be responsible for, inter alia:

Finance and Fund Raising
Membership fees
The number of productions each year
Who to ask to direct them
Approval of their choice of production
Setting production budgets and ticket prices
Resolving charitable recipients of profits

An Annual General meeting shall be called each year by the giving of no less than 14 days notice to members at which, amongst other things, the Committee shall report to the members and present financial accounts for the previous calendar year.

Any proposed changes to these arrangements must be approved by the members in general meeting

The Election Process

Every year two places become available on the committee.  The committee consists of the Life President and the Treasurer and six elected members. 

Each are elected for a three years term. 

The committee is responsible for the governance and organisation of the BCP and all elected members of the committee are Directors of the Limited Company known as the Barnes Community Players Ltd. 

In order to stand you must be:

  1. A paid up member of the BCP

  2. Be proposed by one and seconded by another paid up member of the BCP.

If there are more than two candidates, members will be asked to vote and candidates will be asked to put forward a resume regarding their aspirations, interests, etc. relevant to becoming part of the BCP management committee. These resumes will be circulated to all members .

Members can vote by email or in person during the AGM. Votes will be counted during the AGM and the elected members will then be announced.

The general time line (backwards):

  • AGM: votes are counted and new committee members appointed

  • One week prior to AGM: email voting opens by which time resumes will have been collected and distributed to the membership

  • Three weeks prior to AGM: Deadline for candidacy to become member of the committee


Once the committee has been chosen, they will decide on a Chairman from the elected members of the committee.

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